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RCSA Match Info |
Wheelburners hold a RCSA Steel Match on the 1st Saturday of every month. We usually set up 8 to 10 stages. Targets are usually steel that either ring or fall when hit, but targets may also consist of paper or other target types. Some stages are shot once, others are shot several times (strings) and may include a throw out string so a bad time can be recovered from. Reloads during the course of fire are not a part of the design, so carrying ammo on your person is not necessary.
What kind of gun and other stuff do I need?
The RCSA Match is a multi discipline event. Shooters may compete using both rimfire handgun and rimfire rifle (RCSA style). Single gun shooters may compete with handgun (semi auto or revolver, either rimfire or centerfire) or rifle (pistol caliber centerfire or rimfire) in what is referred to as Steel Challenge style. Shooters may also compete using both centerfire pistol and pistol caliber rifle in what is referred to as two gun centerfire. The match results will include a table with the various disciplines seperated so that you are only competing with like equiped shooters. Centerfire handgun shooters will need holsters. Rimfire handguns, rimfire rifles and centerfire rifles will start with the weapon in hand so holsters or slings are not necessary. All participants and spectators must wear eye and ear protection when shooting is in progress. Other useful stuff is a minimum of five magazines or speed loaders and a box or bag for carrying your gear. If you would like to shoot but don't quite have all the gear, we can arrange to lend equipment for the match.
How much ammunition do I need?
Although the minimum round count can be 250 rounds for a 10 stage match, we recommend shooters bring at least 350 rounds since it is possible to miss!
How do I shoot a steel stage?
Stages will be completely reviewed before starting so all shooters understand the requirements. The starting position for rimfire handguns and rifles (rimfire or centerfire) is "low ready" aiming at the ground at a 45 degree angle. Often there will be a marker on the ground to point at. Centerfire handguns will start holstered with hands above shoulders. At the start signal, bring the gun up (or draw) and hit the targets as fast as you can. There's usually a Stop plate that must be shot last, but the rest of the targets are "as you see them."
How are RCSA stages and targets scored?
The time to shoot the stage will be recorded for each shooter. To that time will be added an additional time for misses, normally 2 seconds for RCSA style and 3 seconds for Steel Challenge style, though missing the stop plate is usually 30 seconds. Misses can be "fixed" by hitting the plate at any time before the stop plate is hit. In other words a miss is only a penalty if you do not hit a plate before the stop plate or if you do not hit the stop plate before you expend your ammo. If the stage has multiple strings they will be added together resulting in a total stage time for each shooter. Often, in multiple string stages, a shooters worst string time will be thrown out so that one bad string doesn't affect stage score. It's just like golf - lower is better. Open(O) and Limited(L) divisions are indicated in the results. If neither your handgun or rifle have an optical type sight (red dot, laser, scope, etc.) or muzzle compensator you're in Limited division, otherwise you're in Open. The minimum total time for all the stages earns first place in the Open or Limited division, and the remaining Open or Limited shooters have their score calculated as a percentage of the best score. To see how that works, look at this month's RCSA scores. Other information shown in the results tables are (firearm) Type. RA(rimfire auto), RR(rimfire revolver), CA(centerfire auto), CR(centerfire revolver).