Most recent match results.
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Current Practiscore Results


    Wheel Burners                          
    Overall       1- 1A 4- 2B 7- 4A  
    Category Ref         2- 1B 5- 3A 8- 4B
  1- RCSA 2- SC RF       3- 2A 6- 3B
Pl Cl Name Type Div Cat Stg 1 Stg 2 Stg 3 Stg 4 Stg 5 Stg 6 Stg 7 Stg 8 Total L%
1 M Hall, Dan RAL L 1 12.95 13.43 13.63 11.78 13.10 11.80 12.26 11.59 100.54 100.00
2 M Melford, Keith RAO O 1 14.99 12.62 16.62 13.50 15.69 9.99 16.89 10.53 110.83 100.00
3 A Messina, Warren RRL O 2 14.59 18.62 15.42 18.30 12.27 16.23 14.36 23.35 133.14 83.24
4 A Jones, Brad RAO O 1 17.22 18.18 20.78 17.16 18.81 15.37 15.13 12.31 134.96 82.12
5 B Pardo, Brad RAO O 1 17.70 18.94 28.63 20.70 21.19 16.55 20.45 17.72 161.88 68.46
6 C Hughes, Sean RRL L 2 14.00 42.95 24.06 25.82 16.02 27.04 14.25 72.98 237.12 42.40
7 C N, Steve RRL L 2 22.87 29.46 21.36 57.96 24.16 21.48 28.36 34.16 239.81 41.92
8 D Rungaldier, Harry RAL L 2 27.49 31.52 23.23 45.18 25.67 54.87 28.21 41.73 277.90 36.18

  Wheel Burners     1- 1A 4- 2B 7- 4A
  05-Oct-24       2- 1B 5- 3A 8- 4B
  Special Categories         3- 2A 6- 3B
Pl Name Type Div Stg 1 Stg 2 Stg 3 Stg 4 Stg 5 Stg 6 Stg 7 Stg 8 Total
Category 1 - RCSA
1 Hall, Dan RAL L 12.95 13.43 13.63 11.78 13.10 11.80 12.26 11.59 100.54
2 Melford, Keith RAO O 14.99 12.62 16.62 13.50 15.69 9.99 16.89 10.53 110.83
3 Jones, Brad RAO O 17.22 18.18 20.78 17.16 18.81 15.37 15.13 12.31 134.96
4 Pardo, Brad RAO O 17.70 18.94 28.63 20.70 21.19 16.55 20.45 17.72 161.88
Category 2 - SC RF
1 Messina, Warren RRL O 14.59 18.62 15.42 18.30 12.27 16.23 14.36 23.35 133.14
2 Hughes, Sean RRL L 14.00 42.95 24.06 25.82 16.02 27.04 14.25 72.98 237.12
3 N, Steve RRL L 22.87 29.46 21.36 57.96 24.16 21.48 28.36 34.16 239.81
4 Rungaldier, Harry RAL L 27.49 31.52 23.23 45.18 25.67 54.87 28.21 41.73 277.90

  Wheel Burners                                    
  Category Ref                                    
1- RCSA 2- SC RF                                
  Stage 1- 1A     Stage 2- 1B     Stage 3- 2A
Pl Name Type Div Cat Stg 1   Pl Name Type Div Cat Stg 2   Pl Name Type Div Cat Stg 3
1 Hall, Dan RAL L 1 12.95   1 Melford, Keith RAO O 1 12.62   1 Hall, Dan RAL L 1 13.63
2 Hughes, Sean RRL L 2 14.00   2 Hall, Dan RAL L 1 13.43   2 Messina, Warren RRL O 2 15.42
3 Messina, Warren RRL O 2 14.59   3 Jones, Brad RAO O 1 18.18   3 Melford, Keith RAO O 1 16.62
4 Melford, Keith RAO O 1 14.99   4 Messina, Warren RRL O 2 18.62   4 Jones, Brad RAO O 1 20.78
5 Jones, Brad RAO O 1 17.22   5 Pardo, Brad RAO O 1 18.94   5 N, Steve RRL L 2 21.36
6 Pardo, Brad RAO O 1 17.70   6 N, Steve RRL L 2 29.46   6 Rungaldier, Harry RAL L 2 23.23
7 N, Steve RRL L 2 22.87   7 Rungaldier, Harry RAL L 2 31.52   7 Hughes, Sean RRL L 2 24.06
8 Rungaldier, Harry RAL L 2 27.49   8 Hughes, Sean RRL L 2 42.95   8 Pardo, Brad RAO O 1 28.63

  Stage 4- 2B     Stage 5- 3A     Stage 6- 3B
Pl Name Type Div Cat Stg 4   Pl Name Type Div Cat Stg 5   Pl Name Type Div Cat Stg 6
1 Hall, Dan RAL L 1 11.78   1 Messina, Warren RRL O 2 12.27   1 Melford, Keith RAO O 1 9.99
2 Melford, Keith RAO O 1 13.50   2 Hall, Dan RAL L 1 13.10   2 Hall, Dan RAL L 1 11.80
3 Jones, Brad RAO O 1 17.16   3 Melford, Keith RAO O 1 15.69   3 Jones, Brad RAO O 1 15.37
4 Messina, Warren RRL O 2 18.30   4 Hughes, Sean RRL L 2 16.02   4 Messina, Warren RRL O 2 16.23
5 Pardo, Brad RAO O 1 20.70   5 Jones, Brad RAO O 1 18.81   5 Pardo, Brad RAO O 1 16.55
6 Hughes, Sean RRL L 2 25.82   6 Pardo, Brad RAO O 1 21.19   6 N, Steve RRL L 2 21.48
7 Rungaldier, Harry RAL L 2 45.18   7 N, Steve RRL L 2 24.16   7 Hughes, Sean RRL L 2 27.04
8 N, Steve RRL L 2 57.96   8 Rungaldier, Harry RAL L 2 25.67   8 Rungaldier, Harry RAL L 2 54.87

  Stage 7- 4A     Stage 8- 4B
Pl Name Type Div Cat Stg 7   Pl Name Type Div Cat Stg 8
1 Hall, Dan RAL L 1 12.26   1 Melford, Keith RAO O 1 10.53
2 Hughes, Sean RRL L 2 14.25   2 Hall, Dan RAL L 1 11.59
3 Messina, Warren RRL O 2 14.36   3 Jones, Brad RAO O 1 12.31
4 Jones, Brad RAO O 1 15.13   4 Pardo, Brad RAO O 1 17.72
5 Melford, Keith RAO O 1 16.89   5 Messina, Warren RRL O 2 23.35
6 Pardo, Brad RAO O 1 20.45   6 N, Steve RRL L 2 34.16
7 Rungaldier, Harry RAL L 2 28.21   7 Rungaldier, Harry RAL L 2 41.73
8 N, Steve RRL L 2 28.36   8 Hughes, Sean RRL L 2 72.98

    Wheel Burners                  
    Fwd Box       1- 1A 7- 4A
    Category Ref         3- 2A
  1- RCSA 2- SC RF       5- 3A  
Pl Cl Name Type Div Cat Stg1 Stg3 Stg5 Stg7 Total L%
1 M Hall, Dan RAL L 1 12.95 13.63 13.10 12.26 51.94 100.00
2 M Messina, Warren RRL O 2 14.59 15.42 12.27 14.36 56.64 100.00
3 A Melford, Keith RAO O 1 14.99 16.62 15.69 16.89 64.19 88.24
4 B Hughes, Sean RRL L 2 14.00 24.06 16.02 14.25 68.33 76.01
5 B Jones, Brad RAO O 1 17.22 20.78 18.81 15.13 71.94 78.73
6 B Pardo, Brad RAO O 1 17.70 28.63 21.19 20.45 87.97 64.39
7 C N, Steve RRL L 2 22.87 21.36 24.16 28.36 96.75 53.68
8 C Rungaldier, Harry RAL L 2 27.49 23.23 25.67 28.21 104.60 49.66

    Wheel Burners                  
    Bck Box       2- 1B 8- 4B
    Category Ref         4- 2B
  1- RCSA 2- SC RF       6- 3B  
Pl Cl Name Type Div Cat Stg2 Stg4 Stg6 Stg8 Total L%
1 M Melford, Keith RAO O 1 12.62 13.50 9.99 10.53 46.64 100.00
2 M Hall, Dan RAL L 1 13.43 11.78 11.80 11.59 48.60 100.00
3 B Jones, Brad RAO O 1 18.18 17.16 15.37 12.31 63.02 74.01
4 B Pardo, Brad RAO O 1 18.94 20.70 16.55 17.72 73.91 63.10
5 B Messina, Warren RRL O 2 18.62 18.30 16.23 23.35 76.50 60.97
6 D N, Steve RRL L 2 29.46 57.96 21.48 34.16 143.06 33.97
7 D Hughes, Sean RRL L 2 42.95 25.82 27.04 72.98 168.79 28.79
8 D Rungaldier, Harry RAL L 2 31.52 45.18 54.87 41.73 173.30 28.04


This page was last modified on 5 Oct 24