Match Report The heat relented a bit and the missing returned. RonJ surprised the crowd with two original field courses. Not in the past a great lover of field courses, he seems to be changing his ways. Two stages from Dan and another from Heeday made the five. Derek and Art duked it out with Derek taking the match by a thin half second. They divided up stage wins with Joey taking another and tying Art for one of the field courses. Surprising given Joeys bum knee. MikeP won the limited division with good consistent shooting, even overcoming a no-shoot on stage 2. Mr. field course Joslin had a good day. Lorn plagued by an intestinal ailment toughed it out until giving in at stage 5. Rich and RonW are off to Australia for the down under regional. We asked Rich to keep an eye on Ron in case they try to soften him up with some drinking match. Failing that, Rich will hide Rons club shirt. The stages: W Scramble: 9 papers set in an inverted W. From the box engage two rounds each, left to right. Repeat any order. Stage 2: (Mr. Field doesnt care for cute names) Remain seated and hit the six steel. Not an easy thing considering the distance of three of them. Then get the three papers obscured by barrels and the three obscured by no-shoots. Most opted to get closer and some got the no-shoots anyway. Stage 3: Make a beeline dash while engaging the four groups of three targets, each behind barrels. If your trigger finger didnt keep up with your feet you found yourself out of position. Point or Aim: One paper set at 3 yards another at 20. From the box engage each three rounds, reload, then engage each six rounds. Shots limited. Mil Dot: A small round stop plate closely surrounded by four big rectangles. Problem here was going so fast your not sure which one you hit. November Club Match October
Northrop Match November Rimfire Match More Shooting in the
Southern Cal Area Central Coast Wheel Gunners have monthly matches at the Hogue Action Pistol range in San Luis Obispo, the home of the IRC for 2006. On the third Saturday of the month. Team Lopez has 4th Saturday monthly ICORE matches in the northern Los Angeles area. |