January Match: The January match is always slow to start with membership signups, release forms, elections and so on. After all that the day began to warm and we got a crack at the five stages Rich had set up. Sure, there was grumbling about the use of our newly acquired bays, but I didnt see anybody leaving early. Derek won the match easily, no surprise there, taking three stages. Something of a surprise though was Cedric taking second overall. He always shoots well, but second is very well. Also surprising was Robs first stage win at Wheelburners. No small feat considering his competition and limited class. Art rounded things out at third and Pete took the remaining stage. The stages: Stage 1; A field course. Navigate barrels and fault lines to knock down 12 pieces of steel and ring the six stationary pieces twice. Stage 2; Two boxes on the horizontal. An array of 6 paper in the middle going down range with tree facing each box. From each box engage the three paper two rounds freestyle then from the right box use right hand and left box use left hand. Move each time. Far and Near; The hard one with long shots and par times. Stage Four; A five plate rack on left. Another on right. The shooting star in the middle. Each is a string. The times showed many are starting to get the hang of that crazy star. Perhaps a touch of oil is called for. Bill Drill to third Power (CS-003); Classifier. Three paper in an arc at close range. Choose left to right or reverse then engage each six rounds with mandatory reloads. Club Match: The February club match will be on the seventh. Rhonda and Dan will be designing and setup. Expect Far and Near and a classifier to be amoung the stages. Dont forget, as last year, we are encouraging member participation by taking signups for stage design and setup. For your trouble you get chit for each stage in a drawing at year end for some nifty prize. Rumor has it this year will be a Dillon reloading press though its still rumor. Speak up at the next shooters meeting if you want in. People will help you along, in fact theres a ton of good information on our web site at the match tools page so it shouldnt be a scary thing. Club Officers: The cursory elections were held at the January match during the shooters meeting with the following results. Ron Joslin will be president. Ron Williamson will be vice president. Rich Richards will be treasurer. Dan Hall will be secretary/stats. Certainly no nail biter, but at least you didnt have to say up late for returns. We hear Ron Joslin who has been out for a short time with a long running affliction will be gone at least until February. Rons a fighter and we have no doubt of his return, but we are feeling the pinch of his absence. He contributes greatly to the running of the club and his personality shines in a sea of surliness. Range Clean Up: A range cleanup is scheduled for January 24th. We will be clearing the bays of refuse and relocating much of the inventory from the original Wheelburners bay to the two newly acquired Bays. Plan on arriving at 9:00 AM. Remember without the shooters support our club will waste away. As with our matches you dont need to be a member. You only have to enjoy shooting the matches and desire that it continue. We had a good turn out last year and hope for the same. Food and drinks will be provided. As mentioned above Ron J. will not be available to oversee the food. If you have a knack and would rather man a spatula and brave smoke, speak up. R.O. Class: Rich Richards will be teaching a Range Officer class on February 1st at the Lopez Canyon range. The class will teach attendees the necessary techniques for running a proper and safe ICORE stage. Attendees will need to bring an ICORE rulebook, notepad and pencil. Bring your shooting gear as well. Lopez Canyon was chosen as there is a scheduled ICORE match being held. The course will involve exercises under hot range conditions. For more information contact Rich at aerofixer2@msn.com. See the next section for information on Lopez Canyon. More Shooting: Heres some info on other South CA revolver matches. Hidden Valley Revolver Club (HVRC) ICORE match on the 4th Sat. at the Escondido Fish and Game (EFG) Assn. Go to http://members.cox.net/hiddenvalleyrc/ for directions and information. Team Lopez has monthly ICORE matches in the northern Los Angeles area. For more information and a contact, go to http://www.22rimfire.org/teamlopez.htm. |