January Match: A fine kickoff to '03. A cold morning turned to a fine day and 16 shooters faced off against six stages. The Gilberts and Gary made a return and the fun began. When it was over stage wins and smiles were spread all over. Ron W. won the match with a huge win on Far & Near. He also won stage five and tied with Art for stage six. Pete placed second with a win on stage one. Third overall and first stock Cedric won the classifier and Dan won stage four. It seems a safe bet Art will make B class this year. The stages: Stage 1 Nothing Right; A big field course that had you moving left, dont forget to shoot the poppers through the barrel. Stage 2 Far & Near. Stage 3 One Lump or Two (CSS00-01); engage the 5 paper one shot each then move forward right and engage the six paper two shots each. Stage 4 Vector Left; 5 steel increasing in height as you move left, stop on far left, best three of four. Stage 5 Vector Right; a mirror of stage 4 and using some of the same plates, that tripped at least one shooter. Stage 6 Arc Seconds; three paper a no shoot and three more paper in a broad arc with a box about 15yrds back, 12 sec par time, string one two rounds each from left to right, mandatory reload at halfway, string two repeat moving right to left, xs count minus one, tricky. Range Cleanup: A range clean up has been scheduled for February 23rd. We are planning to replace the roofing on the awning and extend it enough to provide cover for the target sticks. Well also be re-locating the steel shed by rotating it ninety degrees to allow for the awning expansion. Lunch and drinks will be provided. Please mark your calendar and make every effort to support your club as a good turnout will be required to accomplish the plan. The Northrop club shooters will be asked to participate as well.
Web Site: We are continuing to develop the Match Tools web page by building a library of existing stage designs. The first attempt is a little under whelming. The problem being that they are all graphic files and most are somewhat large byte wise. Putting them into three or even ten documents results in huge files with attendant download speed. The only solution seems to be a brief stage description with a link to each design. Any other ideas? anyone?
Match Directing: In previous years one or two people were responsible for a match. This year we are going to have people responsible for a stage. We hope to gain in a number ways. A stage can usually be set up in under an hour so no one has to arrive at the crack of dawn. Many of the newer club members are wary of taking on the whole match but one stage is easily managed. A reduced level of commitment will, we hope, result in higher participation in design and set up. Finally, the more people designing and setting up should make for increased stage variety, lighten the work load for those few who in the past have been doing most of the work and generally make life more pleasant for all. Each club member designing and setting up three stages would about cover the year. Three stages over the course of a year seems a fairly small task to keep your club healthy. As an added incentive Prez. Ron is donating something from his gun rack at a year end drawing. Each stage design and setup will earn an entry.
More Shooting: Heres some info on other South CA revolver matches. Hidden Valley Revolver Club (HVRC) ICORE match on the 4th Sat. at the Escondido Fish and Game (EFG) Assn. Go to http://members.cox.net/hvrc/ for directions and information. The members of HVRC also invite you to a snubby revolver match at the Magnolia Indoor Range in Santee see this page for more information http://members.cox.net/snubbymatch/ . |